Just because you are being followed by some massive celebrity, does not mean that they are paying any attention to what you say.
So who does he pay attention to?
Well, according to Klout, @cc_chapman (K:76), @chelpixie (K:52) @chrisbrogan (K:77), @ambercadabra (K:70), @scottmonty (K:76)
K here refers to Klout score – an automatically calculated measure of influence. I have some major concerns about the way these scores are used to rank people, as opposed to help group tweeters into fairly broad buckets, but that’s another post. @cspenn himself has a Klout score of 71.
The answer is: other people with a high degree of influence like himself. While he might reply if a low-influencer sends him a message or mentioned him, the chances are low that he will pay much attention to that person’s normal stream. Why? Even people as well known as @cspenn and @chrisbrogan are aiming to extend their own reach. @cspenn can market who he is to the large/important communities around @chrisbrogan because he can reciprocate. That’s why you’ll see @cspenn mentioned in @chrisbrogan’s blog posts and vice-versa.
If you produce really great content you’ll have more chance of getting their attention, sure, but a lot of people are producing good content out there, so the reach dimension still comes into play. You might be better off generating heat from up-and-comers, at least as a prelude to trying to get the bigger guys interested.
How do you do that?
Stop paying attention to so many big producers like Mashable. Turn off some RSS subscriptions. Do some removals from your must-read twitter list(s). Interact more with smaller content producers! Could be you’ll get the sort of outcome you’re after.
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